Doctors Appointment perth
Need a Doctors Appointment? Book with us Today!
A Doctors Appointment can be made 24/7 online by clicking the ‘Book Online’ button at the top right of the screen, or during surgery hours by calling (08) 93568993. A standard consultation is 15 minutes, a long consultation is 30 minutes. Usually, on the day appointments are available.
Longer consultations are available and are recommended if you have more than one issue to discuss with the Doctor. In addition, a complex medical issue such as anxiety, depression or require a drivers or job medical examination, or require a surgical procedure.
Simply, inform the receptionist of your request when making your appointment.
As a medical practice we understand that when people are unwell they may not be able to keep appointments. However, if you expect that you are unable to keep your appointment, please call, preferably at least 4 hours before your appointed time so that someone else can have your booking.
Failure to provide adequate notice to cancel your appointment may result in a non-attendance fee being issued.
If your situation is life threatening, dial 000 now or go to nearest Emergency Department hospital
Otherwise for urgent medical attention within surgery business hours, please telephone Reception for advice on appropriate care.
Patients are encouraged to advise the practice of their cultural/ethnic background as translating services are available for consultations.
Queens Park Medical Centre is a mixed billing practice.
- Adults without a concession card
- Persons not covered by Medicare
All fees are payable at the time of consultation. Fees can be paid by cash, EFTPOS and credit card (Visa and Mastercard).
If you have difficulty settling your account, please discuss this with us prior to your consultation.
- Pension Card Holders
- Health Care Card Holders
- Commonwealth Seniors Card Holders
- Veteran Affairs Gold Card Holders
- Children aged 15 years and under
Exceptions include certain procedures and home visits.
Please present valid and current cards to qualify for bulk billing.
Queens Park Medical Centre is a MIXED BILLING Practice.
Bulk Billing
- Children aged 15 and under
- Health Care Card holders
- Pensioner Concession Card holders
- DVA Card Holders
Please present valid and current cards to qualify for bulk billing.
***Fee update ***
- A minimum gap payment of $30 is required for all OSHC Claims (including children)
- This applies to telephone consults as well
Consultation type | Private fee | Medicare Rebate | Gap Payment |
Standard Item 23 (up to 15 mins) | $85 | $42.85 | $42.15 |
Long Item 36 (up to 30 mins) | $145 | $82.90 | $62.10 |
Prolonged Item 44 (up to 45 mins) | $200 | $122.15 | $77.85 |
Overseas Students/Visitors
- A minimum gap payment of $30 is required for all Overseas Student Claims, including children
- This applies for Telephone Consults as well
- Gap Payment in full is required for all Overseas Student Claims/Overseas Visitor Claims where applicable
- Students who see Dr Timothy Ong will need to pay the full gap
Telephone Consults
All phone consults will be billed as below who are eligible for a telephone consult:
Consultation type | Private fee | Medicare Rebate | Gap Payment |
Telephone Consult (up to 15 mins) | $85 | $42.85 | $42.15 |
** Separate fees apply for all other treatment consultations ***
For your convenience, we are able to offer you a faster and easier way to claim your Medicare Rebate. Simply swipe your debit card and the rebate will be conveniently deposited into your bank account by Medicare.
General Enquiries and FAQ’s:
To provide a certificate a doctor must see the patient for the condition listed on the certificate. It is illegal to back date medical certificates.
This surgery offers a reminder system for numerous health conditions including Cervical Screening, immunisations, health assessments, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Cervical Screening information is automatically forwarded to the Cervical Screening Registry. If you do not wish to be included in these reminder systems please let us know.
Please make an appointment to see your doctor for specialist referrals. Referrals to specialists will not be provided without prior consultation.
Doctors in the practice may be contacted during normal surgery hours. If the doctor is with a patient, a message will be taken and the reception staff will advise you when it’s likely the doctor will return your call.
Your call will always be put through to the doctor in an emergency.
Appointments can be made by prior arrangement with the receptionist at the discretion of the doctor. Normally, home visits will be provided within a 5km radius of the practice premises.
Patients are asked to make a follow-up appointment for review of their test results. Please give 2-3 working days for us to receive the results
Most prescriptions provide sufficient medication to last until your condition needs to be reviewed by your doctor. With very few exceptions, prescriptions are not routinely written without consultation to determine the appropriate medications at the time.
Our practice takes an active approach to ensure the best outcomes for patients at all times even if they choose to reject management advice. Patients should notify the doctor if they decide to refuse a specific advice or procedure.
Our Practice does not transfer information via email unless it is encrypted. The Practice and our Patients have a responsibility to comply with the Australian Privacy and Confidentiality law. In addition, all electronic correspondence is treated in compliance with the policy. Speak to Reception if in doubt.
Residents of Homestay Village at 267 Wharf Street Queens Park can be seen on-site in the medical room on a fortnightly basis. Appointments can be made by adding their name to the list on the clipboard outside the medical room.
Your feedback and comments are welcome. Please feel free to speak with us if you have any comments. Press the button to provide online feedback or alternatively, complete a questionnaire form which is located on the front counter and place in our suggestion box.
If you have concerns that a complaint has not been addressed adequately by the practice, you may wish to contact an external body:
Office of Health Review
GPO Box B61, Perth WA 6838
9323 0600 or 1800 813 583